Organic Culinary Garlic

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1 lb bag of certified organic culinary garlic of the highest quality!

 Culinary garlic from February to May is a lovely, big-cloved, artichoke softneck called "Leoncito."  Grown in a national park in pristine fields at the base of the Andes, it is the freshest garlic you can find when everything else is 8 or 9 months old.  Culinary garlic from May to July is a long storing purple silver skin soft neck.  It has smaller cloves, but has exceptional flavor, and what many consider the best culinary garlic in the world.  It is grown in a remote volcanic valley of Baja California with abundant spring water and minerals ensuring an amazing shelf life and exceptional flavor.  From July to January our culinary garlic is usually a mix of softneck and hardneck garlic depending upon inventory from our 50 plus varieties grown on our pristine farm in Northern Idaho.